воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

carenet pregnancy center houston

I�knew weapos;d get sick.� I�predicted it last weekend when we were around a sick cousin.� Ben started feeling under the weather on Wednesday and by Friday had a wheeze.� Want to know why I�avoid sick kids at all costs?� Because every damn time it turns into pneumonia with Ben.� *sigh*� Friday we went to the doc, she thinks he has mild asthma (though the type might be off, due to the timing of this "cold"--she had thought allergy related initially, but weapos;ll see her again in two weeks to confirm).� Yesterday�Ben had 4 regular Albuterol treatments and by bedtime, was worse than ever with a temp of 102 and wheezing so bad the on-call doc could hear him over the phone.� She had us give him a double treatment and then turn the kidsapos; bathroom into a steam room in hopes of clearing up his breathing.� It helped some, but he was still wheezy and crackly.� I�stayed up listening to him breathe until 3am (when I literally couldnapos;t keep my eyes open any more) and he seemed to be better this morning but is now back to square one.

Somewhere along the way I�developed a fever.� I�feel like Iapos;ve been run over.� Repeatedly.� By something large.� My head is throbbing.� Iapos;m heading back to bed in a few minutes.

But before I�forget...
After the docapos;s appt Friday, I�took the boys to the park.� It was warm enough we didnapos;t need jackets--sunny and very calm air.� They found the weirdest leaves on the ground--covered in these purple, white, and green pea-sized (and slightly fuzzy)�pods.� They each gathered over a dozen leaves�without even trying.� A few things I�noticed about the leaves--all the pods were on the underside of the leaves; the pods were spaced pretty closely; the pods were almost shaped like tiny volcanoes; each leaf had 10-25 pods.� We decided to try to figure out if they were egg sacs when we got home, but didnapos;t have any luck on google.� Ben suggested we try www-dot-egg-dot-com and www-dot-idonapos;tknowwhatitis-dot-com.� *lol*� Oh� Also in the park, we were standing at the base of a tree after watching a squirrel run up with a nut and a couple seconds later, bits of shell started falling around us.� Connor, in particular, was thrilled :)� He started collecting nuts for the squirrel and putting them around the base of the tree.� The squirrel would come down, get one, and run back up to eat it--Connor was collecting the bits of shell falling down :)� Then, because Connor wanted the squirrel to know he was "friendly", he made a shape out of twigs and put the nuts inside.� He thought the squirrel would know it was from him somehow :-)

If anyone knows what those odd pod things could be, please let me know�:)

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