понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

bachata dance lessons

So I decided to start writing in this thing again. Iapos;ve been crazy busy with school and work lately. Iapos;m doing good in all of my classes (Physics, English Lit II, Geography) except Biology. Iapos;m just not used to having to study for anything.... But Iapos;ll hopefully be able to make a C in there. A apos;Bapos; would be better though, so my GPA doesnapos;t go down really. Iapos;m so excited that next semester is going to be my last semester at CPCC�I need to take 16 credit hours next semester though. =( But Iapos;ll deal. Then next year itapos;s UNCC =) This weekend has flown by... Canapos;t believe itapos;s Sunday night already. I have tomorrow and Tuesday off from school because itapos;s fall break. This past friday I worked a double, yesterday I worked open to close, and today I opened. I made baaaank though In less than 2 weeks Iapos;ve already made enough for my half of rent (450), so all I have to make now is money for utilities, car insurance and phone bill. Speaking of car insurance, my 2009 Corolla is basically the shit. =)

Itapos;s crazy how much Iapos;ve changed in a year. My last entry in this journal was over a year ago, and I was still happy, living with Sean. Funny how quickly things can change. Me and him were off and on for a few months... I was waiting for him to get his shit together, and put me before alcohol like he used to. That never happened obviously. And after he broke my laptop at the end of March and I thought he was gonna fucking hit me, I moved back to my momapos;s for a month. Now Iapos;m in a super nice place with my sister, right next to Rosedale, which weapos;ve been in since April. And I�wouldnapos;t change a thing. But sometimes I get sort of sad... Like the other day, I�had a really weird dream. And Sean was in it. Not this new, asshole Sean that hates me for reasons I�donapos;t even know... But MY Sean. My babe. He was there... And he was just as wonderful as I�remembered. But that Sean is dead... Has been�for awhile.�I donapos;t love this new Sean. I�actually kind of hate�him.�But I love my babe. I�think I will always love how he used to be. And I�donapos;t know if I will ever be able to get over how much he hurt me. Yes, I broke up with him... Yes, I�moved out of the apartment. But it was needed... I gave him EVERYTHING... I seriously did so much for him. Even after he broke my laptop, and fucked me over by not paying his half of the rent, which I was still paying after I�moved out... I still helped him a lot�And he never did shit for me. Never. He still texts me every once in a while just to tell me how much he hates me. I donapos;t know why he hates me. All I did was love him. But I wasnapos;t about to stay with someone who didnapos;t appreciate a damn thing. Relationships are supposed to be each person giving and taking equally... But it was ME giving everything, and him taking everything. That was such an unhealthy relationship near the end.... It was a relationSHIT (lol Dane Cook.) I guess all I can do is just cherish the memories of my babe, and forget about this new, horrible Sean. Just sucks that he owes me a shitload of money, and I�know Iapos;ll never get it back.

On another note... Iapos;m kind of okay with where I am in my life. School is definitely my priority, and Iapos;m really good with keeping up with all the assignments I�have. Tomorrow during fall break Iapos;m going to work on a research paper that isnapos;t even due til December. Iapos;m going to donate blood tomorrow, too. And hopefully get crunk tomorrow night =) These last few weeks since Rich broke up with me, Iapos;ve been really up and down... Some days Iapos;m okay, some days Iapos;m really sad, some days Iapos;m just pissed off. But the last few days Iapos;ve been really good. I realized last night that I didnapos;t think about him at all the entire day, or Friday. That made me happy lol. So Iapos;m definitely okay. Everything happens for a reason... And if he wants to be by himself and do whatever it is he wanted to do, then thatapos;s fine by me. And I was only with him for a month and a half... Itapos;s definitely not the end of the world, by any means. Iapos;m not gonna waste any more time being sad about someone who doesnapos;t want to be with me. Iapos;m definitely not going to rush into something again�though. Iapos;m gonna live my life, do the whole school thing... And hopefully someone great will come along and sweep me off of my feet. =) Someone who has his shit together (phone, car, job), who will treat me the way I deserve to be treated... And will take me for me.�I�think after all the shit Iapos;ve been through the last 6 months to a year, I deserve to finally be happy. But I donapos;t need a guy to be happy. Although a cute boy to cuddle with would be nice =) lol.

Mae keeps walking all over the keyboard so I�keep having to go back and delete shit haha... I�love my baby girl =)

Gah this entry is long haha. But Iapos;ve got nothing better to do, and I love it. Iapos;m always so busy... Any down time is amazinggg. I�think me, Laura, and Joe decided what weapos;re gonna do when me and Lauraapos;s lease is up in May. Joe was wanting to buy a house, and obviously Laura wants to move in with him... But she doesnapos;t want to screw me over and leave me with no roommate. (I really donapos;t trust anyone but her to pay the bills on time every month.) So Joe asked me if I�wanted to move into the house with them when he gets it...� which would be pretty cool. Me and Laura would help him pay the mortgage every month... Which would be cheaper than having to pay half of rent every month. Iapos;d probably stay there for 6 months to a year until I can a) afford to get my own apartment or b) find someone I�know will pay all the bills on time.

I canapos;t wait til Wednesdayyyy.... Alley Cat downtown with Ashley, Ryan, maybe some other people. =)
Scapegoat is playing there... And Iapos;m gonna get druuunnkkk as fuck. =D

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