воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Well this post is hugely delayed. My PC has been on the fritz and is now feeling a bit groggy after coming out of a deep coma. The graphics card went Chernobyl on me and Iapos;ve been without for a while. The one iapos;m loaning at the moment is... Passable. But it means Iapos;m pretty much confined to scrolling accross web pages that would normally fit on the width of my monitor and now trails a good three feet... Possibly out into the garden.

Iapos;m now looking for a new place to live. Iapos;ve been given until January the 1st and Iapos;m feeling like Anneka Rice on one of her challenges.

Still there are some good things going on. The group has itapos;s fortnightly film thing going on and me and Rach are approaching the six month mark. Both of these keep me sane... Mostly :P

So all in all good, bad, ugly. Thereapos;s a bit of everything in there. Same as always I guess =)

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I�knew weapos;d get sick.� I�predicted it last weekend when we were around a sick cousin.� Ben started feeling under the weather on Wednesday and by Friday had a wheeze.� Want to know why I�avoid sick kids at all costs?� Because every damn time it turns into pneumonia with Ben.� *sigh*� Friday we went to the doc, she thinks he has mild asthma (though the type might be off, due to the timing of this "cold"--she had thought allergy related initially, but weapos;ll see her again in two weeks to confirm).� Yesterday�Ben had 4 regular Albuterol treatments and by bedtime, was worse than ever with a temp of 102 and wheezing so bad the on-call doc could hear him over the phone.� She had us give him a double treatment and then turn the kidsapos; bathroom into a steam room in hopes of clearing up his breathing.� It helped some, but he was still wheezy and crackly.� I�stayed up listening to him breathe until 3am (when I literally couldnapos;t keep my eyes open any more) and he seemed to be better this morning but is now back to square one.

Somewhere along the way I�developed a fever.� I�feel like Iapos;ve been run over.� Repeatedly.� By something large.� My head is throbbing.� Iapos;m heading back to bed in a few minutes.

But before I�forget...
After the docapos;s appt Friday, I�took the boys to the park.� It was warm enough we didnapos;t need jackets--sunny and very calm air.� They found the weirdest leaves on the ground--covered in these purple, white, and green pea-sized (and slightly fuzzy)�pods.� They each gathered over a dozen leaves�without even trying.� A few things I�noticed about the leaves--all the pods were on the underside of the leaves; the pods were spaced pretty closely; the pods were almost shaped like tiny volcanoes; each leaf had 10-25 pods.� We decided to try to figure out if they were egg sacs when we got home, but didnapos;t have any luck on google.� Ben suggested we try www-dot-egg-dot-com and www-dot-idonapos;tknowwhatitis-dot-com.� *lol*� Oh� Also in the park, we were standing at the base of a tree after watching a squirrel run up with a nut and a couple seconds later, bits of shell started falling around us.� Connor, in particular, was thrilled :)� He started collecting nuts for the squirrel and putting them around the base of the tree.� The squirrel would come down, get one, and run back up to eat it--Connor was collecting the bits of shell falling down :)� Then, because Connor wanted the squirrel to know he was "friendly", he made a shape out of twigs and put the nuts inside.� He thought the squirrel would know it was from him somehow :-)

If anyone knows what those odd pod things could be, please let me know�:)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cradlle of filth

Ah, a busy week. Full of . . . Stuff. And other stuff. And so on.

Conferenced with my tech writing students most of the week, and to my surprise, quite enjoyed the process. They are an interesting and bright bunch of students.

Had dinner at one of the local hibachi-style restaurants this evening, and it was delicious.

So, yeah. Not much to say. Have a lot of work to do this weekend. Will likely have to spend much of my weekend in the office. Eh. Well.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So my roommate, Will, is Mitchapos;s best friend. When we all moved in together, we (the girls) did not expect that we would like Will so much more than Mitch, especially since Will is really antisocial. Once he gets comfortable around you, heapos;s the nicest roommate ever.

Last night, I heard some commotion coming from the living room so I went down and I heard the front door shut. Lena and Emily said that Will just volunteered to get them chocolate milk and chips from Macapos;s Convenience. Epic nice of him, but I kind of missed out on the love-in. Then Will called the house and asked me if I wanted anything from the convenience store. He bought me a Snickers bar. :apos;D

Plus heapos;s always offering to cook food for us, and if we ask him to, heapos;ll speak in a British accent (his mom is British and when heapos;s on the phone with her, he slips into an accent).

So this might be problematic when it comes time to give Mitch the boot.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Today I spent the day with my mum and then my uncle and I surprisingly had a very nice time with my uncle chatting about well...the biggest thing in my life.

I found out so many things about my mum and dad that have totally changed my opinion on both.
I used to think the world of my dad and now I only have some form of respect and minor love for him. I really didnapos;t think he was the type of person he turns out to be. And even if I heard it from my uncle. My uncle is a greta guy and probably not that open about his work or life, as he says, but I know he wouldnapos;t lie to me about this kind of stuff. My dad turns out to be a really different person than I thought. And I know that knowing all this new stuff about him doesnapos;t change the fact that Iapos;m his daughter and Iapos;m not going to apos;denyapos; that I know him or anything and I know he still loves me but it just hurts me to find out all these things. And Iapos;m so super glad my uncle told me cause I would really rather know.
Itapos;s nothing I can say on LJ for the world to read but I kind of want to talk about it really really bad.
I love my mum more than ever now. Sheapos;s such a wonderful great person and WTF is Adrian doing with her? She is waaaaay toooo good for that ugly faced, self-obsessed, unhuman thing
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

anatomy and physiology 6th edition

Summary of the week.

IS sucks , lect sucks , people in it sucks. Just sucks.
PDA or whatever it is ; is a stressful - weird - class with people i sorta know cause�of some really funny , embarrasing moments. HAHAHA
Maths ; Aslinapos;s bros in it.
Others i havent went into them.
Nothing new , schapos;s supposed to be like this.

It was also a crash course to set my body clock back again.
And so i didnt bother to go to SB, cause i was busy sleeping after i get home.
then wake up at 11pm and stone and listen to slow tracks until 2am.

An occasional shadow pops up behind the walls sometimes O_O.
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Ugh. I hate this statistics class.
I donapos;t understand anything. And I donapos;t think itapos;s me. Iapos;ve talk to some other people in the class and a lot of people have had the same experience- normally good at math, always done really good up through fairly high levels of math (at least high levels for non-math related majors), even done good with some statistics before, but this class makes NO SENSE.

The exam is in a little bit and Iapos;m just sitting here feeling so frustrated because I donapos;t get it.

I donapos;t know what any of these things in front of me MEAN.
I feel like all he teaches is "memorize these fomulas and calculate". But I canapos;t figure out the formulas becuase it means nothing to me. I donapos;t understand the meaning behing it. I donapos;t understand the point of the calculations. If he even says anything about it, I feel like the meaning is always a side note with him. How can I learn the fomulas if I donapos;t know what they mean?

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